Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012

We made it to the end of the first week of school!  The students took a written memory quiz and spelling test, which are corrected and being brought home today.  I did not grade them, but next week I will start grading!  In Social Studies, we went over the different parts of a map:  compass rose, title, map key, and distance scale.  The students practiced using a distance scale to estimate the distance between two locations.  In Reading, the class took the comprehension quiz over Officer Buckle and Gloria.  After the third graders had their first P.E. class, we finished up some of the tasks we started this week and then had a little free time.  It's been fun seeing the students connecting with each other, especially with the new students to Bethlehem! 

The third graders are bringing home a September calendar to fill out for P.E.  They are supposed to record the activities they do each day, how many minutes, and how they felt afterward.
Just a reminder that book choices for the first book projects are due Wednesday.  When it comes time for your child to make their project, make sure to read over the directions for the specific project with your child so that they understand what is expected to receive full points for it. 

I hope everyone has a great Labor Day Weekend! 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

This morning, we practiced writing from a prompt in our writing notebooks.  In Math, we finished the diagnostic placement test! 

We started our Social Studies unit on maps and globes.  I read a book about the first kinds of maps and the first people to discover different parts of the world that helped make world maps more accurate.  I gave each student a paper with a map of the world on it.  They colored two countries on the map that they thought were on opposite sides of the world.  Then we checked to see if we were correct using our globe.  We discussed how a globe is more accurate than a flat, paper map at showing the world because a globe is the shape of the world. 

This afternoon, the students read the story Officer Buckle and Gloria with a partner.  We went over the main characters, setting, and plot.  Since we don't have library until next week, we went ahead and did the next lesson in our art unit on the elements of art.  We focused on shapes today and looked at different ways of arranging shapes:  symmetrical, repeating pattern, and radial.  The students cut out lots of identical shapes from different colors of paper and worked on arranging them in one of those three designs. 

Students should read for 20 minutes tonight.  Also, they should make sure to study the memory verse and spelling words for the tests tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Today was a fantastic day!  The students are improving on remembering to raise their hands and be good listeners, and they did a good job helping one another with a project we did. 

This morning, we worked on correcting a sentence to make sure it had the punctuation, capital letters, and correct spelling that it needed.  That will be something that the students will have as an entry task some mornings.  We started a diagnostic placement test for me to see where the students are at in math.  We will finish it tomorrow.  The students also had Spanish this morning.

This afternoon, the class practiced making the cursive h while I read aloud.  We went over the vocabulary words for this week and previewed the story they will read tomorrow.  I discussed the book projects a little more with the class.  I told them that they can ask me about any materials they might need for their projects.  They will need to fill out the planning sheet in their homework folder for the first book they want to do a project on. They should have their planning sheet filled out and signed by you by next Wednesday.  Let me know if you have any questions about filling it out. 

At the end of the day, the students made their writing portfolios that we will keep all their writing from the year in.  Since we have a travel theme for our class, we made them to look like old-fashioned suitcases!  They did a great job helping one another with this project!

Homework for today is...
Read for 20 minutes
Choose book for first book project (due next Wednesday)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

We had a good whole day today!  This morning, the students wrote and drew in their interactive journals.  These are journals that they write to me about whatever they want and I will write back.  We went over different classroom procedures, our discipline system, and rewards.  We started using our writing notebooks by writing out the memory verse for the week.  I shared my brown bag, and then some of the students got to share as well. 

After morning recess, the students had their first Spanish class with Mrs. Anfinson.  In the afternoon, the students practiced the cursive l, and I started reading aloud a book called The World according to Humphrey, which is about a hamster that is a class pet.  The students took the spelling pretest, and several students got all of the words correct!  Those students will have the challenge words to study instead.  This week's spelling and memory is just practice and will not be graded. 

I talked to the class about our classroom library, and the students got to pick out a few books they want to read.  They picked one to keep in their desk, and they put the rest in their book box.  Students can also bring books from home to read at school if they want.

After our last recess, we did the first of a series of art lessons on the elements of art.  Today we focused on lines.  I had the students listen to part of the song "Danse Macabre" by Camille Saint-Saens.  I stopped the song every now and then and had the students draw different kinds of lines that they thought depicted the mood of that part of the song.  I wrote the times that I stopped the song on the students' papers, so if you want to listen at home and follow your child's lines, you can! 

I passed out the homework sheets that the students should keep in their blue homework folders.  They are bringing those home today because I assigned reading for 20 minutes as their homework tonight.  Once your child has read, sign the reading log and have them return it in their folder to school tomorrow for me to check.  From now on, the students are expected to read every school night for 20 minutes. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

This morning just flew by!  The students were great even though we were a little rushed to get things done.  We started out the day with a chapel.  After that, we went back to our room to do brief introductions of our names and something we enjoyed doing this summer.  The students started a classmate scavenger hunt, which we'll finish tomorrow! 

We discussed how our classroom has a travel theme, and I quizzed the students on the meanings of some road signs.  We talked about how, just like road signs are important for traveling, having classroom rules are important for traveling through our school year.  The class came up with examples of what each of the Big Three Rules (show respect, make good decisions, and solve problems) would look like.  Make sure to sign and return the discipline plan I gave you at the home visit if you haven't already. 

After enjoying recess and the new playground equipment, I read aloud a book called The Relatives Came.  The students worked on writing about their summer activities to go on "The Scoop on My Summer" bulletin board, which you can check out tonight at the ice cream social!  It is at 6:30 at the school. 

There is no homework tonight other than bringing in supplies if you haven't done so yet.  See you all tonight!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I am so excited for this school year!  I have had a great time at all my home visits this week and have been working on getting the classroom ready for the students! 

School starts at 8:30 on Monday.  You are invited to join us for our opening chapel at 8:40!  It will be an early release - students will get out at 11:15.  The oldest child in your family should gather his or her younger siblings at the pick up line.  Don't forget to come back at 6:30 that evening for the ice cream social! 

Let me know if you have any questions about items on the supply list.  If I had a home visit with you, your child should bring his or her filled brown bag to school the first day.  Students who I haven't seen will get their brown bags on the first day. 

On the right side of my blog are the links that I mentioned in my home visits with you.  The livebinders one contains links to various math websites, the typing website we'll use in computer lab, and many of the handouts I gave you when I visited.

On this blog each day, you can expect to see a description of what we did during the school day along with the homework that was assigned.  I will also post about upcoming events.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, and I'll see you soon!