Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

For Christian Studies, I brought in a couple sand dollars I found on the beach when I went to Seaside, Oregon for the teacher conference.  I shared the legend of the sand dollar with the students, and I broke one of the sand dollars open so we could see the five doves of peace.  I gave each student a sand dollar ornament with the legend on it that they can take home today.  They also get to take home the mitten ornaments they made. 

The Christmas program performances are at 2:00 and 7:00 today!  Students should go to their classroom at 6:30 tonight.

There is chapel tomorrow at 8:40.  The Christmas party will start about 10:00.  Each student should bring in a book for the book exchange tomorrow.  It is an early release day - students will get out at 11:15. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

We reviewed for the math test, which is tomorrow!  Students also have their 50 states and capitals quiz tomorrow! 

Homework for today is...
Math practice test
Study capitals

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

This morning, we had a dress rehearsal for our Christmas program.  We reviewed the states and capitals of the Northeast.  Students will be quizzed on all 50 this Wednesday.  In Math, we worked on choosing addition or subtraction to solve problems.  Students need to label their answers!  Tomorrow, we'll review what we've learned this chapter.  The math test will be Wednesday.  I read aloud a book called Silver Packages about a Christmas train that runs in the Appalachian Mountains.  It makes several stops, and children in poor towns receive Christmas presents from the people on the train. 

The class did so well today - they filled their jar and will receive a reward that they will vote on! 

Thursday is our Christmas party.  Each student should bring a book for the book exchange that costs $5 or less. 

There is no spelling or memory this week. Students do not have to read for 20 minutes this week. 

Homework for today is...
Math worksheet (Lesson 3-9)
Study states and capitals
Some students still need to fill in their next book project choice.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012

This morning, we worked on selecting addition or subtraction to solve problems.  We made a list of key words that are clues for when to add and when to subtract.  We'll finish up chapter three in math next week and take the test on Wednesday.  In Social Studies, we added the Northeast states and capitals.  Students will be quizzed on all 50 on Wednesday. 

Homework (due Monday):
Choose book for next book project

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012

This morning, we ran through the Christmas program and got to watch the actors!  The students took their states and capitals quiz.  In the afternoon, we finished our centers, had library time, and worked on our memory verse. 

A note is coming home today about what to wear for the Christmas program.  Our Christmas party is Thursday the 20th.  I will not be here that day, but there will be a substitute and a few parents to help with the party.  The class will be doing a book exchange at the party.  Each student should bring a book that is no more than $5.  If you are unable to get a book, please let me know, and we'll make sure to have extras.

Homework for today is...
Vocabulary p. 65
Subject pronouns p. 67
Read Ramona Forever during 20 minutes of reading

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's 12/12/12!  At 12:12, Mr. Haan made an announcement, and we had a 12-second long cheer!  That was a good time!  More students got to share their book projects today.  We worked more on subtracting across zeros.  Tomorrow morning, we're going to be practicing our Christmas program songs with the whole school and watching the actors, so the students will get to see how their songs fit with what the program is all about!

The quiz over the West, Southwest, Midwest, and Southeast capitals is tomorrow!

Homework for today is...
Spelling p. 53-54
Math worksheet (3-8)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

In Math, we worked on subtracting across zeros.  We'll finish up with that tomorrow.  Students brought in their book projects today, and they look great!  Some started sharing today.  We went over what prefixes and suffixes are and some examples of them.  Then the students read Ramona Forever.  Some students need to finish reading it tonight.  Most of the students have finished sewing their mittens for their Christmas ornaments.  They turned out really nice! 

Homework for today is...
Choose book for next book project (due Monday, Dec. 17)
Finish reading Ramona Forever

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

This morning we talked about the second week of Advent.  A second candle is lit that represents peace.  In Math, we worked on subtracting greater numbers.  In Social Studies, we reviewed the capitals of the Southeast states.  The students will be quizzed on those on Thursday. 

I could use some help on Wednesday and Thursday with centers from 12:30-1:30.  Also, I don't have a lunch parent for Wednesdays.  Let me know if you are interested in helping with either of those things! 

Book projects are due tomorrow!  Students should look at the directions and rubric in their folders to make sure they did everything they need to do! 

Homework for today is...
Math worksheet (3-7)
Book project

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

We had such a great time at Chenoweth House this afternoon!  I am so proud of how well the students did visiting with the residents there!  We spent some time visiting before we started making snowman ornaments for them to put on their Christmas tree.  After that, a few students performed by playing piano or singing.  Then the whole class sang a couple songs for them.  Thank you to the parents who drove!  If any of you could send me pictures of the visit, that would be great since my camera batteries were dead! 

Homework for today is...
Study the Midwest state capitals

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

This morning, we practiced Christmas program songs with the fourth and fifth graders.  After that, the students took a quiz on following directions, which all of them failed!!!  Many students missed problems on the homework that's coming home today because they didn't follow the directions!  I tried to emphasize the importance of taking your time and reading carefully before jumping into an assignment. 

Tomorrow, we will be going to Chenoweth House to sing and play songs and do a craft with the residents there.  We will leave at 12:45. 

This Friday, I'm planning to have the students do some simple hand stitching with yarn for our Christmas ornaments.  Yarn needles will not go through the felt, so we will have to use some pointy needles to be able to do the project.  I will discuss with the students how to use the needles and how to be careful with them.  If a student is being careless, they will have to stop and put the project away.  If you have any concerns or questions about this project, please email me.  I would love to have some parent helpers here at that time (Friday, 2:00) to help students and watch to make sure they are being careful.  Let me know if you are interested!

Our Christmas party will be Thursday, December 20, which is a half day and the last day of school before break.  Email me if you are interested in helping out!

Homework for today...
A few students need to finish their how-to paragraphs.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012

In Christian Studies, we talked about Advent.  Advent celebrates the coming of Jesus.  We learned about the advent wreath and what the first candle symbolizes.  Ask your child if they remember! 

Homework for today is...
Vocabulary p. 55
Abbreviations p. 59
Read The Talent Show during 20 minutes of reading

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Since we have completed first trimester, we gave out SOAR Awards to some of the students after chapel!  Every student will get a SOAR Award at some point in the year.  The students got started with writing their outlines and how-to paragraphs.  They also worked on acting out parts of our story of the week.  In Science, the students harvested and threshed their seeds.

Students will be quizzed on the West and Southwest states and capitals tomorrow! 

A note is coming home today about our field trip to Chenoweth House.  Fill out and return the bottom portion if you are interested in driving!

Homework for today is...
Spelling p. 47-48

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

This morning, we worked on subtracting money and reviewed the states and capitals of the West and Southwest regions.  This afternoon, we discussed what it means to draw conclusions when we read.  The students read the story The Talent Show.  In Science, we measure our plants and discussed how we will be harvesting and threshing the seed pods.  We read about some plants that produce new plants from seeds and some plants that have spores (mosses and ferns).  In Music, some of the students performed solos for the class that they want to perform for our visit to the Chenoweth House next week.  I will be sending home a note about that trip with a sign-up for driving.  It will be Wednesday, December 5, and we will leave about 12:45 that afternoon. 

Homework for today is...
Math worksheet (3-3)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

In Math, we worked on estimating differences.  On the homework, students need to be careful to follow the directions to make sure they are rounding when they are asked to and finding exact answers on other parts that just say "Subtract." 

In Social Studies, we reviewed the capitals of the West and Southwest states.  Students will be quizzed on those on Thursday.  It will be a matching quiz.  We also looked at a product map of Michigan, and the students created their own product maps. 

This week, we are working on abbreviations of months, days, titles of people, and addresses.  We will also be getting a start on a new writing assignment.  Each student will write directions for how to do something they are good at or enjoy doing that someone else may not know how to do.  Students just need to be prepared to tell me what their topic will be for that writing assignment.  Here are some examples:  proper posture and form when playing piano, directions for hunting safety, how to shoot a layup. 

Book projects are due in a couple weeks, so students should start working to finish their books and start their projects if they haven't yet.  Students are bringing home today their rubric with their score for how they did on the first book project.  Directions for each project is in their homework folder. 

I would love to have some parent helpers on Wednesday and Thursday for Literacy time (12:30-1:30).  We'll be working on writing directions, reading the story of the week, and doing Reader's Theater.  Let me know if you are interested in helping and if there is a certain activity you would be most interested in helping with. 

Homework for today is...
Math worksheet (3-2)
Choose writing topic

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

This morning, we practiced with the fourth and fifth graders a few of our Christmas program songs.  In Math, the students looked through Walmart Thanksgiving grocery ads and had to come up with a shopping list of items they would need for a Thanksgiving meal for their family.  I had them make sure to pay attention to how they lined up the costs of the items so it would be easy to find the total cost of their meal.  We also went on Scholastic's website to take a virtual field trip of the Mayflower.  Ask your child what they learned about the trip on the Mayflower! 

This afternoon, we did some creative and persuasive writing!  The students were given the following topic:  Pretend you're a turkey.  Write a letter to Americans asking not to be eaten on Thanksgiving.  Be sure to state your reasons why and also offer a suggestion of what animal they should eat instead.  The class had a lot of fun writing these letters and sharing them! 

There's no memory verse this week, but I did share a verse with the class that has to do with Thanksgiving and that my family prays after dinner together:  "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, his love endures forever."  Psalm 107:1

There is no homework or reading for 20 minutes this week! 

Conferences are tomorrow and Wednesday.  Your child took a schedule home on Friday.  I look forward to visiting with all of you! 

We have chapel tomorrow as well as our Thanksgiving feast with the fourth and fifth graders.  Your child took a note home on Friday about what to bring. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

This morning, we practiced a couple of our Christmas program songs with the fourth and fifth graders.  In Math, we practiced subtracting two-digit numbers with regrouping.  In Social Studies, we reviewed the West and Southwest capitals.  In addition, we practiced reading a product map. 

This afternoon, we went over possessive nouns more and did the spelling homework together so I could help students understand how they're used a little better before the test tomorrow.  The students wrote a short biography to include with their personal narrative. 

Tomorrow is a free dress day.  Book orders are due tomorrow. 

Homework for today is...
Math worksheet (Lesson 3-1) evens only
Plural Possessive Nouns p. 53
Read The Stories Julian Tells during 20 minutes of reading

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The class did a very nice job with their chapel!  I was very proud of them.  I might have a parent who will give me a copy of it, so let me know if you are interested in watching it.  In Math, the students used base-ten blocks to subtract two-digit numbers with regrouping.  Tomorrow, the students will get a homework assignment to practice after we go over it a little more.  In Reading, we went over what sequence is and how time-order words are helpful with determining sequence.  Then, the students read the story of the week with a partner.  In Science, we went over the job of stems and discussed the two different kinds.  Ask your child if they remember what the two kinds are! 

Homework for today is....
Vocabulary p. 49

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The third graders are ready for their chapel!  You are invited to join us tomorrow at 8:40.  If you are willing to record it, please come see me in the morning and I will have a camera that you can use to do that for parents that are unable to be there. 

There will be picture retakes tomorrow.  Students should bring their picture packets in if they are going to get retakes. 

Friday is a free dress day, and book orders are due that day.  You could order books for Christmas presents! 

This week, we are starting Chapter 3 (subtraction) in Math.  We are going over how to regroup when we subtract two-digit numbers.  This week's spelling words are challenging since they are plural nouns, singular possessive nouns, and plural possessive nouns.  I will be sending home a copy of the sentences I will read for the spelling test on Friday, so students can use those as they study the words.  Students have to listen carefully to how the word is used in the sentence! 

We went over the capitals for the West and Southwest states.  The quiz for that will be a matching quiz.  The students have a study sheet to use at home.  Students can also use this website to study as well:

Homework for today is...
Study the capitals of the West and Southwest states

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The third graders took their math test today.  In Social Studies, we looked at different American symbols:  flag, seal, eagle, Liberty Bell, and Uncle Sam.  We looked a little at the history of the American flag and the Star Spangled Banner.  The students made thank you cards for veterans they know or for any veteran and included some of those American symbols in their cards. 

The Veterans Assembly is tomorrow at 2:00.

This afternoon, we got to pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child!  In partners, the students picked whether they wanted to pack a girl box or boy box.  Then they went down the tables, filling their boxes with a variety of items.  At the end, they prayed for the children that their shoeboxes would go to.  That was incredible to watch how sincerely the students prayed for those children! 

A couple students from our class got to go to Yoplicity in a limo today as a reward for being top earners for Fall Fest! 

Tomorrow, students can retake the 50 states quiz. 

Homework for today is...
Vocabulary p. 45
Singular possessive nouns p. 47
Spelling p. 39-40

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

In Chapel, Pastor gave a message on our theme for the month:  Breastplate of Righteousness.  He explained that righteousness is being right with God because of what Jesus did for us.  In Math, we reviewed for the test.  The test is tomorrow!  This afternoon, we listened to the rest of the Christmas program music and sang along a little bit.  The students finished reading our story of the week.  We also got started on painting different values of a color on our drawings we did on Monday.

On Friday, students can retake the 50 states quiz, so students should keep working on those at home if they want to retake it!

Homework for today is...
Math practice test
Read Rosie, a Visiting Dog's Story during 20 minutes of reading

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Today, the school had a mock election.  Those who registered got to vote.  Ask your child if they remember the results!  This morning, we practiced our chapel skit in the sanctuary.  I am so proud of how they are doing with that!  It's going to be great!  In Math, we worked on additing numbers in the thousands with regrouping. 

This afternoon, I had the students stop every couple of pages when they read the story of the week.  They had to turn to their partner and tell in just a couple sentences what that section was about.  I told the students it is good to stop and check your understanding when you are reading.  In Science, the students measured and drew what their plants look like now.  They have the seed pods now!  We started listening to the Christmas program music during music time. 

Homework for today is...
Math worksheet (Lesson 2-8) - Those students who have the Enrich page have an option of not doing that side.  It is pretty tough, so it will be extra credit. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

In Math, we worked on adding three-digit numbers with regrouping.  In Social Studies, we discussed elections and some of the jobs of the President.  The students also shared their state books with one another.  This week, we are working with singular possessive nouns.  In Art, we added another element of art.  We've worked on line and shape.  Today, we started focusing on value.  We looked at two paintings called Whistler's Mother by James Whistler and Woman with Crossed Arms from Picasso's blue period.  The students identified dark values and light values in the paintings.  They learned that adding white to a color makes a tint and adding black to a color makes a shade.  They will be creating different values with a color of paint later on.  Today they drew the pictures they'll paint.

Students can retake the 50 states quiz on Friday.  Check your students' graded work coming home today to see how they scored.  They can study more this week and retake the quiz on Friday to get a better score. 

The Chapter 2 Math test is this Thursday.  Tomorrow, the students will get to vote in our school's mock election!  We will not be doing literacy centers this week, so parent volunteers don't have to come in for that time!  We'll be packing Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes during part of that time.  The Veteran's Day assembly is this Friday at 2:00. 

Homework for today is...
Math worksheet (Lesson 2-7)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wow!  November already?!?!  Pretty soon third grade will be leading chapel!  Our chapel is November 14th at 8:40.  The class has been doing a great job preparing.  In Math, we worked on problem-solving, and deciding whether an exact answer or estimate is needed.  We've been working on irregular nouns, which don't follow the rules for becoming plural.  We've also worked on synonyms. 

Tomorrow afternoon, we will have our Fall Party.  It will be at 2:00, and students can bring a costume to put on at that time, as long as it's not anything scary.  We will be having our ice cream that was earned for Fall Fest at our party along with some fun activities! 

Homework for today is...
Irregular nouns p. 43
Spelling p. 37-38
Vocabulary p. 41
Some students have finished these assignments in class.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We worked on our chapel skit this morning.  They are doing a great job with it!  I told the students that have speaking parts to keep practicing at home so that they can say their parts smoothly and with good expression.  In Math, we worked on adding money.  Students need to make sure to label their answers with the cent sign or dollar sign.  In the directions, it says "use estimation to check for reasonableness."  I went over how to do that with them, but I told them that they can just do it in their head, and they don't have to show work for that part.  They do, however, need to show their work for adding to find the exact answers. 

In Reading, we discussed reality and fantasy.  The students read Little Grunt and the Big Egg and recorded which things from the story could be reality and which things are fantasy.  I gave some students November calendars to use for keeping track of how they're meeting their reading goals.  For example, if your child wants to read 12 pages each day, they can record on their calendar how many pages they read each day so that we'll have something to look at to see how well that goal is being met. 

Homework for today is...
Math worksheet (Lesson 2-5)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

This morning, we discussed how we can make one another feel valued in our class.  This is the list the students came up with:

- Encourage others
- Help others
- Offer to play with someone who is alone
- Remind one another of God's love and forgiveness
- Stand up for one another
- Be kind to others
- Lift others' spirits - make them laugh
- Use a nice tone of voice
- Respect others' space
- Say please and thank you

I was really impressed with their list, and I'll really be looking for and encouraging these things with them!

We reviewed the 50 states and played states bingo.  The quiz over all of them is on Thursday.  Students should be studying at home.  We went over making some irregular nouns plural (woman -- women, moose -- moose).  In Art, the students used a variety of leaves to create a picture of an animal. 

Our Fall Party is on Friday at 2:00.  I haven't heard from anyone about helping with the party, which is totally fine.  Let me know, though, if you want to be involved!  We'll have our Fall Fest ice cream as part of our party.  For those of you who have a child allergic to dairy, you can send something as a substitute.  Just let me know!  Students can bring costumes to put on for the party if they want! 

Homework for today is...
Some students still need to fill out their choice for the next book project. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

Today we took our field trip to the Allied Arts Gallery in Richland.  The students got to see the exhibits that are there for the month of October.  There were some very beautiful oil pastel landscapes and some very interesting sculptures!  We also saw the jewelry, sculptures, and other pieces of art that are for sale there too.  We discussed the things to be sure to do and not do when in an art gallery.  I had them think about how the artwork made them feel and what it reminded them of.  We also got to see some different ways to paint fall leaves!  Allied Arts offers art classes for kids in the summer, but they are interested in having more classes throughout the year if they can get a few volunteers.  You can call them if you would like to help out with that! 

On Monday, the Pacific Science Center is coming to put on a Science day for the whole school as one of our rewards for Fall Fest!  Tuesday will be a normal day, except we will have chapel that day.  Book projects are due on Tuesday.  There is no school Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012

During Christian Studies, we had a special visitor!  Pastor Mark came to do a devotion, answer students' questions, and lead some songs on guitar.  Ask your child what they learned from the ostrich devotion!  Social Studies quizzes are coming home today, so check out how your child did and which states they may need to work on.  

State booklets and book orders are due tomorrow.  

Tomorrow is our field trip to the Allied Arts Gallery in Richland!  We will leave at 12:30 and return around 2:30.  Drivers can just come to the classroom a few minutes before 12:30.  

Tomorrow is a free dress day!

Homework for today is...
Plural nouns p. 39
Vocabulary p. 37 (Only some students need to finish this)
Spelling p. 33-34 (Only some students need to finish this)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

In Chapel, the eighth grade class did a skit about being who God made you to be and not worrying about what you can't do so well.  That fit well with our memory verse from last week about each of us being fearfully and wonderfully made!  In Math, we worked on adding two-digit numbers with regrouping.  I moved the students away from using the base-ten blocks, but if they would like to use them for their homework tonight, they can go to this page on our Math Connects website:  Click on the virtual manipulatives and select Base Ten Blocks. 

We've been working on memorizing the Southeast states on top of the ones from previous weeks.  Tomorrow is the quiz!  In the afternoon, we worked more on making nouns plural.  Then we had literacy centers.  For Science, the students measured and pollinated their plants again.  For Art, I told the class a little about our field trip on Friday and discussed with them different places in the community that we see art.

Homework for today is...
Math worksheet (Lesson 2-4)
Read Wild Shots, They're My Life during 20 minutes of reading
Study the states we've learned

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

In Christian Studies, we worked on our chapel skit.  In Math, we practiced regrouping two-digit numbers using base-ten blocks.  We how a summary should start with the main idea of the reading and include only a few of the important details.  After reading the selection for this week, the students chose a section of it to write a summary about.  In Science, we talked about how bees and flowers help one another out.  Flowers give the bees nectar for honey, and the bees cross pollinate the plants when the pollen gets caught in their hairs.  Over the next few days, the students will measure and pollinate their plants using their bee sticks. 

Friday is a free dress day.  Book orders and state books are due that day.  In the afternoon on Friday, we will be taking our field trip to the Allied Arts Gallery in Richland.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

This morning, we read through the script for our chapel message that we will give in November.  The students got to write down their top three choices for which parts they would like to have.  In Math, we started working on addition with regrouping using base-ten blocks.  In Social Studies, we reviewed the states we've learned so far.  Students need to be studying these at home.  We also practiced reading a map and using medial directions. 

This afternoon, we went over the vocabulary words for the week and took a look at the magazine article we'll read this week called Wild Shots, They're My Life.  We read the headings and predicted what we thought each section would be about based on those headings and the pictures.  After our spelling pretest, we went over the rules for making nouns plural:

Add -s to most nouns.  (school - schools)
Add -es to nouns ending in ch, x, s, and sh.  (church - churches)
If a noun ends with y, change the y to i and add -es.  (puppy - puppies)

In Science, the students measured their plants and made predictions for how much they think it will grow in a day. 

Pastor Mark will be teaching Christian Studies to the third graders on Thursday.  I told the students to think of faith questions they might want to ask Pastor.  You could talk to your child about questions for which you might be curious to know answers! 

Staff from Lutherhaven will be here next Monday to do some fun activities with the third through fifth graders after school!  It will go from 3:00 to 4:00.

Homework for today is...
Map skills worksheet

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

The class has been working on the final drafts of their personal narratives.  Some of them have already finished writing and adding illustrations.  Next week, they will get to make their title pages.  In Social Studies, we added the Southeast states to our maps.  Students should start studying those at home as well as keep up on the other states we have learned so far.  We also discussed the intermediate directions (northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest) and practiced using them with a neighborhood map.  In Science, the students got to see the difference between the seed leaves and the true leaves.  Some students are already seeing flower buds on their plants! 

Check for these things coming home today!
- Vision screening results and recommendations
- Midterm report card
- Spelling test
- Homework sheet - check how your child did on their memory verse

State booklets are due on Friday the 19th.  Book orders also are due that day.  The first book project is due on October 23.  By that day, each student needs to have read their book, have completed the project they chose, and have filled out the summary and opinion paper.

Next Friday is our field trip to the art gallery in Richland!  I will be emailing the drivers I have to confirm that you are still able to drive that day. 

Tonight is the Spaghetti Feed!  It will be held here at the school from 5:30 to 7:00.  Tickets can be purchased at the door.  The 5k and 10k races start tomorrow at 9:00.  The one mile fun run starts at 11:00.  The fest goes from 10:00 to 2:00.  It will be lots of fun!  Come join us if you can!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

This morning, the class discussed some good ways to solve problems with one another so that we are helping one another keep our pledge.  In Math, we worked on estimating with addition.  Some students took the Social Studies quiz again, and many of them improved!  In the afternoon, we finished our centers and had computer lab and library time. 

Fall Fest bags and shirts are coming home today!  The students may wear Fall Fest shirts tomorrow to school with standard of dress bottoms.

Homework for today is...
Math worksheet (Lesson 2-3)
Vocabulary p. 31
Common and proper nouns p. 35

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

In Math, we practiced using the three addition properties we learned yesterday:  Commutative, Identity, and Associative.  This afternoon, the students were split up into groups for different tasks:  working on the final drafts of their personal narratives, recording their reading goals, listening to a book on tape, reading with a parent, practicing spelling words, and working with common and proper nouns.  We'll finish rotating the groups to all of the centers tomorrow.  In Science, the students measured their plants and got to look at real honeybees that had died naturally and were collected and dried for our use!  Of course the class was grossed out by the thought of touching them!  They looked for different parts of their bees:  head, thorax, abdomen, legs, head, antennae, and wings.  Then, they glued their bees to the ends of toothpicks for us to use later on when we pollinate our plants!

Tomorrow, students have an opportunity to retake the Social Studies quiz over the West, Southwest, and Midwest states. 

Homework for today is...
Spelling p. 31-32
Math worksheet (Lesson 2-1)
Read Balto, the Dog Who Saved Nome during 20 minutes of reading

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

In Christian Studies, we talked about what Law and Gospel is.  In Math, we used three addition properties.  Those are coming home in a math letter about the vocabulary we will be using this chapter.  I told the students that this letter will be helpful when they do their math homework tomorrow since it has explanations of the three properties.  We started working on identifying common nouns and proper nouns.  I went over different strategies the students can use when a word is unfamiliar to them.  Then, they read Balto, the Dog Who Saved Nome and recorded which strategies they used to figure out the meanings of new words they came across.  In Science, the students measured one of their plants and recorded it in their journals.  They wrote down things they know about bees and things they wonder about bees.  Then I had each of them draw what they think a bee looks like.  After we study and use bees with our plants, we'll come back to those drawings! 

I was told the link yesterday didn't work, so here's another attempt!

Homework for today is...
Come up with one reading goal if you haven't yet!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012

We had a great start to our week today!  This morning, we looked up our memory verse for the week and started Chapter 2 in Math:  Add to Solve Problems.  I shared a book called Math-terpieces to get us thinking about addition. 

In Social Studies, I told the students that we won't add another region this week.  Students may retake last week's quiz over the West, Southwest, and Midwest states on Thursday.  I showed the students this website for practicing identifying the states:'
They can choose the region they want to be quizzed on.  Feel free to find other websites or ways to study the states at home!  We also practiced using a map grid. 

The students used their reading logs to record how many picture books and chapter books they read in the month of September.  They also recorded how many books in each genre they read last month.  Your child is bringing home their literacy binder.  I would like you to look through it with them so you can see the kinds of things we have been doing with it.  Take a look at their reading log as well.  Some students haven't recorded many (if any) books that they finished in their reading log.  They should take the time tonight to fill it in if they forgot to record some books that they finished.  In the Reading Log section, there is a page of reading goal ideas.  I would like you to talk with your child about what a good goal for them would be.  They should be prepared to share their goal with me on Wednesday. 

In Science, the students thinned and transplanted their plants so they have only four plants in their quad.  They pulled out an extra plant to draw, label, and write observations about.  Thank you to the parents who helped out!

Homework for today is...
Finish personal narrative (only some students need to finish revising)
Set reading goal

Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday, October 5, 2012

The students took their memory quiz, spelling test, and reading test this morning.  I didn't get a chance to grade them so I'll send them home on Monday.  Also, we had reading buddies with the preschool class and practiced a new cursive letter.  We are almost to the end of learning the lowercase letters and will start the uppercase ones soon!  Eventually, the students will have some spelling homework that they will have to write in cursive! 

The Wisconsin Fast Plant seeds are starting to sprout!  I anticipate that we will be able to do the thinning and transplanting on Monday.  It was so helpful to have parents help with the planting day!  Would anyone be interested in helping with thinning and transplanting on Monday at 2:00? 

There will be a trunk or treat type event for kids with food allergies this month!  If you are interested, you can contact our preschool teacher, Tammi White, for more information! 

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012

In Christian Studies, we talked about what it means to be a Christian.  The students took the Math and Social Studies tests, which are coming home today.  In the afternoon, we reviewed how to make compound sentences.  I explained to the class that learning how to do this and use it when you write will make your writing have more variety and flow better.  After that, we finished the literacy centers.  At the end of the day, we had computer lab and library time.  Then we reviewed the memory verse. 

Tomorrow is an early release day.  The school day will end at 11:15. 

We are needing more volunteers for Fall Fest!  Let us know if you would like to help out for a little bit that day. 

Homework for today is...
Vocabulary p. 26
Spelling p. 27-28
Compound sentences p. 29
(It might seem like a lot, but the students had time in class to work on these.)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I'm sorry I forgot to put the whole date for our fall party!  It will be Friday, November 2.  Tomorrow is picture day.  If you want to order pictures, send the picture packet with your child to school tomorrow to give to me. 

In Chapel, we heard an awesome message from Pastor Robert, who is from Uganda.  He shared how our financial support has helped their school and how God has used the bad experiences in his life for good.  Later on, the students got to ask him questions. 

In Math, we reviewed the different things we've learned this chapter.  The students are bringing home a practice test for homework.  They will see the same sort of questions on the test tomorrow. 

We reviewed the states in the West, Southwest, and Midwest.  They will be quizzed on them tomorrow.  Some students really need to study!

This afternoon, we had literacy centers:  Read to a parent, DEAR, Writing, Word Work, and Listening.  The class did a fantastic job with them!  We will finish the centers tomorrow.

At the end of the day, the students planted their Wisconsin Fast Plant seeds.  They'll get to see them growing within a couple days!

Homework for today is...
Math practice test
Study the states
Read Turtle Bay during 20 minutes of reading

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Yesterday was a great time at the pumpkin patch!  It was nice to have such great weather and a variety of sizes of pumpkins to choose from!  Thank you to all the parents who helped drive students there. 

This morning, we talked about some of the different parts of the Bible:  Old Testament, New Testament, Gospels, Epistles, Acts, and Revelation.  In Math, we practiced adding the values of bills and coins.  Tomorrow, we will review what we have learned this chapter, and they will take the test on Thursday.  They will also have a quiz over the West, Southwest, and Midwest states, so they should be practicing those at home using the page in their homework folders. 

This afternoon, we talked about different purposes authors have for writing:  to inform, to entertain, and to persuade.  The students read Turtle Bay and wrote down details from the story that showed each purpose.  Tomorrow is planting day in Science, so today we went through the checklist of the steps to follow.  Let me know if you would like to help at 1:30 tomorrow.  We learned about compound sentences, and practiced combining sentences using and or but. 

Picture order forms are coming home today.  Pictures are on Thursday. 

I would like to have the Fall Party on Friday, November from 2:00 to 2:45.  Let me know if you would like to help with it.  If interested, students can bring a costume that they can easily put on just for the party.  It shouldn't be anything scary, such as witches or ghosts. 

Homework for today is...
Math worksheet

Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012

In Math, we worked with money.  We identified and described the different kinds of coins and added up different combinations of coins.  In Social Studies, we added the Midwest states to our maps, so your child can start studying at home for the quiz, which is next week.  They will be quizzed on these states as well as the other ones we've already learned. 

Monday is the field trip to the pumpkin patch!  I will send out emails this afternoon to all the drivers to confirm that you're still able to drive. 

School pictures are on Thursday, and Friday is an early release day.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

In our Christian Studies lesson, we talked about the different promises in God's Word.  In Math, we practiced rounding to the nearest thousand.  We had Reading Buddies with the 2-day preschoolers.  After that, the third graders took the quiz over the West and Southwest states.  They are bringing that quiz home today.  In the afternoon, they had more time to work on their personal narratives as well as work on the vocabulary words and compound subjects and predicates.  At the end of the day, we had computer lab and library time.  Also, we went over the memory verse for the week.

Monday is the field trip to the pumpkin patch.  I want to do some activities with the pumpkins at the end of the day after P.E. (2:00).  Let me know if you are interested in helping with those activities! 

Homework for today is...
Vocabulary p. 20 and Compound subjects and predicates p. 24 (only some students need to finish these)
Math worksheet
Read The Olympic Games during 20 minutes of reading

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The sixth graders gave a chapel message on the story of Jonah and how God will accomplish his plans for our good.  In Math, we practiced rounding to the nearest and ten and the nearest hundred.  In Writing, the students worked on revising their personal narratives.  In Science, we looked at our seeds after they had soaked in water overnight.  We opened them up and identified the embryo, leaves, cotyledon, and seed coat.  We reviewed the states in the West and Southwest.  Students need to study at home for the quiz on those tomorrow!  Also, we practiced identifying compound subjects and predicates and placing commas where they need to be in a list of three or more things. 

Homework for today is...
Study the West and Southwest states (study sheet is in homework folder)
Math worksheet
Spelling worksheet (only some students need to finish this)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

We started working on rounding in Math today.  We practiced rounding to the nearest ten, and tomorrow we'll work on rounding to the nearest hundred as well.  I made two posters to help the students remember when to round down and when to round up.  One poster is of a hill with a car and the numbers 0 to 4 on one side and 5 to 9 on the other side.  The other poster is of a vine with these two rhymes:  0 to 4, stay on the floor, 5 to 9, climb the vine. 

This afternoon, we went over the elements of nonfiction:  sections, headings, photographs, and captions.  The students started reading The Olympic Games:  Where Heroes are Made.  We discussed some ways that we could revise our personal narratives to make them better.  Tomorrow, the students will start revising them. 

Last week, we went over subjects and predicates.  Today, I introduced compound subjects and compound predicates.  Today was also the first day we started our Plant Growth and Development kit in Science!  The students wrote in their journals things they know about plants and questions they have about them.  Next, I gave each student a lima bean seed and a hand lens.  They wrote down observations and drawings of their seeds in their journals and then put the seeds in cups of water to soak overnight. 

I would like some help next Tuesday in Science!  I am planning to have the students plant their seeds that day, and I found out last year that it takes a lot of prep work and the students need a lot of guidance.  Let me know if you would like to come help!  It would be great if I could have help come at 1:30 to set up the supplies while the students are at recess and then be there to help the students with the planting.

A reminder that the pumpkin patch field trip is this coming Monday! 

Students need to continue working on spelling and memory and read for 20 minutes tonight. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

In Math, we worked on ordering numbers from greatest to least and least to greatest.  In Social Studies, we reviewed the states in the West and Southwest regions and added their abbreviations.  The quiz will be on Thursday.  In the afternoon, we went over the vocabulary words and took a look at the nonfiction selection we will be reading tomorrow called The Olympic Games:  Where Heroes are Made.  We discussed some other types of nonfiction:  informational, biography, autobiography, newspaper article, and how-to article.  The students are bringing home a safety contract for Science that they will need to sign along with their parents and bring back to school tomorrow.  In Art, we worked on finishing up our silhoettes.

If you are a parent who volunteered to help Wednesday or Thursday from 12:30-1:30, I could use your help this week!  I want to finish up the fluency tests and have the students get help with revising their personal narratives.  Thank you so much for your help last week!

Homework for today is...
Math worksheet
Sign and return safety contract

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

In Math, we went over the story problems from the homework on Monday as well as the Mid-Chapter Check they took on Tuesday.  We practiced comparing numbers using greater than, less than, and equal to. 

In Social Studies, we went over the names and locations of the states in the West.  Each student has a map that will stay in their homework folder which they can use to study at home and bring back to school to add more states.  Tomorrow, we'll add the Southwest states.  The students will be quizzed next week on those two regions, and they can start studying today. Also, each student got to choose a state to study.  They are bringing home a state booklet to fill out with information about their state.  They can print out pictures to paste into their booklet, or they can just draw and color the pictures.  They have a month to complete the booklets - they are due October 19. 

In the afternoon, we reviewed the story Allie's Basketball Dream and worked on evaluating our personal narratives.  We also had library and computer lab time. 

Homework for today is...
Math worksheet
A couple students need to finish the subjects and predicates page 18

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

We had a great chapel message from the office staff today about using our hands and words for good things instead of hurting ourselves or others.  The students traced their hands and signed their names to take the pledge:  I will not use my hands or my words for hurting myself or others.  We will say that pledge as a school on Wednesdays at chapel. 

In Math, we worked on comparing numbers using the greater than, less than, and equal to signs.  We will finish up that lesson tomorrow.  We went over the parts of a dictionary entry and worked some more on alphabetical order.  That seems to still be an area of difficulty for some of the students, so we'll keep working on it! 

We had a few parents help us this afternoon with different tasks, including the writing of our personal narratives.  During that time, I started having individuals come read to me.  At the end of the day, we practiced identifying subjects and predicates and figuring out how to make fragments into complete sentences. 

Homework for today is...

Read Allie's Basketball Dream during 20 minutes of reading - I suggest having your child read it to you out loud and stop to ask them periodically if they understood what they read.

Some students need to finish the rough drafts of their personal narratives

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I had the students take a Mid-Chapter Check in Math so I can see how well they are understanding what they've learned and practiced so far.  During our sharing time, a couple students read what they wrote so far for their personal narratives.  The class asked questions and gave compliments and suggestions.  I love having the class do this because it really gets them thinking about how they can improve their writing. 

In the afternoon, the students read Allie's Basketball Dream in pairs.  They wrote down three traits they learned about Allie and what she said or did that supports what they came up with.  After that, we practiced identifying subjects and predicates.  We also reviewed and practiced putting words in alphabetical order since we will be focusing on how to use a dictionary this week. 

Students just need to read for 20 minutes tonight and continue working on the spelling words and memory verse. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

In the morning, we looked up our memory verse for the week and practiced problem-solving in Math.  The third graders took the Math part of the MAP test.  In the afternoon, we went over the vocabulary words for the week, and I introduced the two parts of a sentence:  subject and predicate.  At the end of the day, the students continued working on the silhoettes they are making in Art. 

I sent home a note about a field trip we will go on to the Allied Arts Gallery in Richland.  If you are interested and able to drive, please fill out the bottom portion and have your child return it to me.  Thanks!

Homework for today is...
Math worksheet p. 31

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

At our morning assembly, we heard about the process the Operation Christmas shoeboxes go through to get to another country and into a child's hands.  Two girls shared how excited and loved they felt when they received Operation Christmas boxes at an orphanage in Ukraine.  The students had a lot of questions, so here is the link to information about putting together shoeboxes:

Our school will have some boxes in the hallways for collecting shoeboxes or items that would be good to send in shoeboxes.  I will let you know when those collection boxes are set out.

The class took the Reading MAP test this morning.  On Monday, they will take the Math one. 

At the end of the day, we had our Fall Fest assembly.  We found out that the goal for this year is to raise $35,000 for the baseball and soccer fields.  Any money left over will go toward finishing the gym.  We also found out about the different prizes for raising money!  The students are bringing home their packets today to start collecting pledges.  The posters say 10:00 to 1:00, but Fall Fest will actually be from 10:00 to 2:00 on Saturday, October 13.  The packets contain the information for signing up for the races and ordering T-shirts. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

In Christian Studies, we had a Reader's Theater about how Josiah respected God's Word when others weren't.  In Math, we practiced the three forms (standard, expanded, and word) a little more and focused on identifying the place and value of an underlined digit.

Place:  thousands
Value:  4,000

The third graders got to meet their preschool reading buddies today!  Pictures will be posted soon!  Next week, the students will get to meet their Friday buddies.

The students took the quiz over the continents and oceans.  That is coming home today with the grade on it.  We reviewed the four kinds of sentences (statement, question, exclamation, and command) and had some time to work on our personal narratives. 

Tomorrow, the third graders will take the MAP Reading Test.  We will have an assembly in the morning at 8:40 about Operation Christmas Child and an assembly at 2:30 for Fall Fest. 

Homework for today is...
Math worksheet
Sentences worksheets (just p. 9 and p. 14)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

In Chapel, we heard a message about how other Christians are important in our spiritual battle.  In Math, we worked with writing numbers up in the ten thousands in standard, expanded, and word form.  This afternoon, we went over the four kinds of sentences:  question, statement, exclamation, and command.  The students each chose a noun and had to write four different kinds of sentences that the noun might say.  Ask your child to share what they came up with - they were very creative and fun to hear!  We studied the Arctic Circle and reviewed for the quiz on the continents and oceans, which is tomorrow! 

Homework for today is...
Read Nate the Great during your 20 minutes of reading
Spelling p. 17-18
Study for continents and oceans quiz

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

In Christian Studies, we talked about who God is and the different traits he has.  In Math, we worked on identifying place values up to the thousands place and writing numbers in standard, word, and expanded forms:

Standard:  1, 256
Word:  One thousand two hundred fifty-six
Expanded:  1,000 + 200 + 50 + 6

If your child is having trouble with the math homework tonight, you can follow the livebinder link on this blog to access the Math Connects website for some extra help.  If you still have trouble, have your child let me know tomorrow morning so I can help them out. 

In Reading, we had a mini-lesson over different elements of a mystery:  clue, crime, evidence, suspect, detective, victim, and witness.  The students started reading a mystery called Nate the Great:  San Francisco Detective in partners.  It's a long one, so they'll finish it up tomorrow!  In Writing, the students started filling in an outline for a personal narrative they will write.  Ask your child what they chose for their topic! 

In Social Studies, we completed study guides of the continents and oceans, which the students are bringing home today.  They will have a quiz on Thursday, and it will look just like their study guide.  In Music, we sang the song "Celebrate Music" that we listened to last week.  It was fun seeing the students different dances for different parts of the song!

The Reading MAP test has been rescheduled for this Friday morning. 

Homework for today is...
Math worksheet
Read for 20 minutes

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

We looked up our memory verse for the week in our Bibles today.  We bookmarked the table of contents in our Bibles so that we can find the verses easier in the future.  In Math, we started talking about digits and place value.  We will work tomorrow with base ten blocks to model different numbers. 

We were not able to take the MAP test today since not everything we needed was sent to our school.  I will let you know when we reschedule that! 

In Social Studies, we reviewed the continents and oceans.  We added the equator and prime meridian to our map and practiced identifying hemispheres and the continents in them.  We went over the vocabulary for the week and took the spelling pretest.  After PE, we worked on watercolor paintings for silhoettes we will be making.

Homework for today is...
Read for 20 minutes
Start practicing the memory verse and spelling words

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2013

We took the memory quiz and spelling test today.  Those are coming home today, and the scores will be entered on Gradelink.  In Math, we worked on problem-solving.  We went through a four-step plan:  Understand, Plan, Solve, and Check.  In Social Studies, we learned where the continents and oceans are located in the world.  The students each cut out the continents and had to arrange them in the right spots to glue down on a blue piece of paper. 

Next week, we will have the MAP test for Reading on the computers, so students should make sure to get lots of rest and a good breakfast before that so that they can show what they are truly capable of!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

In Math, we finished our lesson on number patterns.  I sent home a letter today about how I'll check students' comprehension and assign in-class work for each math lesson.  I hope that this process will allow me to give more help to those struggling and challenge those who need it. 

In Social Studies, we reviewed the parts of a map and talked about how mapmaking today is different from the past.  We discussed how being able to take photographs from space helps us make accurate maps today.

This afternoon, we had our first library and computer lab time.  In the computer lab, the students started working on their typing skills with the website that is on my livebinder website.  Students can practice at home if they want!

Also coming home today is a letter about our field trip to the pumpkin patch!  If you are interested in driving, fill out and return the bottom portion of the letter, or you can just email me about how many children you can take in your vehicle. 

I sent home a summary and opinion worksheet yesterday, and I forgot to clarify what that is for!  That worksheet should be filled out for the book that your child is doing his or her book project on.  My goal in having them do that is to help them feel confident and prepared to share with the class.  I also hope it will speed up our sharing a little bit!  That worksheet is not due until the book project is due.

Homework for today is...
Math p. 10
Spelling p. 13-14

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

In Chapel this morning, Pastor Mark talked to us about being in a spiritual battle.  In Math, we started getting into Chapter 1:  Using Place Value.  We used hundred charts to mark different patterns, which we will focus on more tomorrow.  This afternoon, we finished learning the vocabulary words for our story, and I gave a mini-lesson on decoding long words.  The students started reading the story Pepita Talks Twice with partners.  Tomorrow, we will have computer lab and library time, so I showed the students the typing website they will start using.  They can use this website at home too by going on my livebinder website.

Homework for today is...
Read Pepita Talks Twice during your 20 minutes of reading
Get your book choice filled out and signed for the first book project if you haven't yet!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The third graders took their first one-minute math tests today.  I gave back the tests before they left - I wrote "Pass!" if they got all of them right and can move on to a different test.  If they pass, they can check off that test on their yellow paper in their homework folders.  The class voted to have pop, popcorn, and a movie once everyone passes all the addition tests! 

This afternoon, we started putting together our literacy binders.  I would like to have the students keep them here at school so we don't have to worry about leaving them at home, but I will assign in the future that they take them home so you can see what sort of things they are tracking and including in their binders.  One thing that they can start doing is filling in the reading log in their binders with the titles of books that they have finished reading. 

We worked on finishing up the symmetrical, repeating pattern, and radial designs before having Music.  I introduced the quarter note (1 count) and the half note (2 counts), and we practiced clapping rhythms that have combinations of those kinds of notes.  Then we listened to a song called "Celebrate Music," and learned how to follow the music with a D.S. al Coda.  Next week, we'll sing it! 

Book choices for the first book project are due tomorrow.  The projects themselves are not due until October.  Make sure to fill out the last white sheet in the homework folder.  Your child should also read for 20 minutes tonight.

We have chapel tomorrow at 8:40.  Feel free to join us! 

Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012

We made it to the end of the first week of school!  The students took a written memory quiz and spelling test, which are corrected and being brought home today.  I did not grade them, but next week I will start grading!  In Social Studies, we went over the different parts of a map:  compass rose, title, map key, and distance scale.  The students practiced using a distance scale to estimate the distance between two locations.  In Reading, the class took the comprehension quiz over Officer Buckle and Gloria.  After the third graders had their first P.E. class, we finished up some of the tasks we started this week and then had a little free time.  It's been fun seeing the students connecting with each other, especially with the new students to Bethlehem! 

The third graders are bringing home a September calendar to fill out for P.E.  They are supposed to record the activities they do each day, how many minutes, and how they felt afterward.
Just a reminder that book choices for the first book projects are due Wednesday.  When it comes time for your child to make their project, make sure to read over the directions for the specific project with your child so that they understand what is expected to receive full points for it. 

I hope everyone has a great Labor Day Weekend! 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

This morning, we practiced writing from a prompt in our writing notebooks.  In Math, we finished the diagnostic placement test! 

We started our Social Studies unit on maps and globes.  I read a book about the first kinds of maps and the first people to discover different parts of the world that helped make world maps more accurate.  I gave each student a paper with a map of the world on it.  They colored two countries on the map that they thought were on opposite sides of the world.  Then we checked to see if we were correct using our globe.  We discussed how a globe is more accurate than a flat, paper map at showing the world because a globe is the shape of the world. 

This afternoon, the students read the story Officer Buckle and Gloria with a partner.  We went over the main characters, setting, and plot.  Since we don't have library until next week, we went ahead and did the next lesson in our art unit on the elements of art.  We focused on shapes today and looked at different ways of arranging shapes:  symmetrical, repeating pattern, and radial.  The students cut out lots of identical shapes from different colors of paper and worked on arranging them in one of those three designs. 

Students should read for 20 minutes tonight.  Also, they should make sure to study the memory verse and spelling words for the tests tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Today was a fantastic day!  The students are improving on remembering to raise their hands and be good listeners, and they did a good job helping one another with a project we did. 

This morning, we worked on correcting a sentence to make sure it had the punctuation, capital letters, and correct spelling that it needed.  That will be something that the students will have as an entry task some mornings.  We started a diagnostic placement test for me to see where the students are at in math.  We will finish it tomorrow.  The students also had Spanish this morning.

This afternoon, the class practiced making the cursive h while I read aloud.  We went over the vocabulary words for this week and previewed the story they will read tomorrow.  I discussed the book projects a little more with the class.  I told them that they can ask me about any materials they might need for their projects.  They will need to fill out the planning sheet in their homework folder for the first book they want to do a project on. They should have their planning sheet filled out and signed by you by next Wednesday.  Let me know if you have any questions about filling it out. 

At the end of the day, the students made their writing portfolios that we will keep all their writing from the year in.  Since we have a travel theme for our class, we made them to look like old-fashioned suitcases!  They did a great job helping one another with this project!

Homework for today is...
Read for 20 minutes
Choose book for first book project (due next Wednesday)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

We had a good whole day today!  This morning, the students wrote and drew in their interactive journals.  These are journals that they write to me about whatever they want and I will write back.  We went over different classroom procedures, our discipline system, and rewards.  We started using our writing notebooks by writing out the memory verse for the week.  I shared my brown bag, and then some of the students got to share as well. 

After morning recess, the students had their first Spanish class with Mrs. Anfinson.  In the afternoon, the students practiced the cursive l, and I started reading aloud a book called The World according to Humphrey, which is about a hamster that is a class pet.  The students took the spelling pretest, and several students got all of the words correct!  Those students will have the challenge words to study instead.  This week's spelling and memory is just practice and will not be graded. 

I talked to the class about our classroom library, and the students got to pick out a few books they want to read.  They picked one to keep in their desk, and they put the rest in their book box.  Students can also bring books from home to read at school if they want.

After our last recess, we did the first of a series of art lessons on the elements of art.  Today we focused on lines.  I had the students listen to part of the song "Danse Macabre" by Camille Saint-Saens.  I stopped the song every now and then and had the students draw different kinds of lines that they thought depicted the mood of that part of the song.  I wrote the times that I stopped the song on the students' papers, so if you want to listen at home and follow your child's lines, you can! 

I passed out the homework sheets that the students should keep in their blue homework folders.  They are bringing those home today because I assigned reading for 20 minutes as their homework tonight.  Once your child has read, sign the reading log and have them return it in their folder to school tomorrow for me to check.  From now on, the students are expected to read every school night for 20 minutes. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

This morning just flew by!  The students were great even though we were a little rushed to get things done.  We started out the day with a chapel.  After that, we went back to our room to do brief introductions of our names and something we enjoyed doing this summer.  The students started a classmate scavenger hunt, which we'll finish tomorrow! 

We discussed how our classroom has a travel theme, and I quizzed the students on the meanings of some road signs.  We talked about how, just like road signs are important for traveling, having classroom rules are important for traveling through our school year.  The class came up with examples of what each of the Big Three Rules (show respect, make good decisions, and solve problems) would look like.  Make sure to sign and return the discipline plan I gave you at the home visit if you haven't already. 

After enjoying recess and the new playground equipment, I read aloud a book called The Relatives Came.  The students worked on writing about their summer activities to go on "The Scoop on My Summer" bulletin board, which you can check out tonight at the ice cream social!  It is at 6:30 at the school. 

There is no homework tonight other than bringing in supplies if you haven't done so yet.  See you all tonight!